Here is a picture of my Grey Hunters as they are moving on through their painting phase.. The primer, Fenris Grey basecoat, washed with Blue, a highlight of 1:1 Fenris Grey and Skull White applied lastly (In real life the armour colour is much deeper,anyways :) ).
Hardest part was as expected the yellow shoulder pads. So, the recipe I followed for this is as follows, skull white undercoat, 2 coats of thinned Iyanden Darksun from the Foundation rage of GW, and several thinned down coats of Golden yellow. I am rather satisfied by the result of this, and I have yet to decide on a wash and a final highlight. As I said this is still a WIP for my Grey Hunters. I know that some parts seem unrefined, but I will deal with them in subsequent steps.. enjoy the photos

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