From years, when I actually started onto the W40K hobby, I was set for the Space Wolves. I remember on those days I dreamt for a terminator only army walking down the field and putting fear at their enemies hearts (ok, the Necrons might be out of this, and maybe, and then I drifted out of the playing part of the hobby, and now I am moving back onto it..
So, Logan is my choise of Wolflord. The wisest and oldest..the one that allows us to field the terminators as troops.. that means, a terminator army..but not marching..they should drop from the sky, and the enemies to witness the claws of Fenris scorching the sky..
Here it goes.. enjoy :)
Squad 1
Logan Grimnar
4xWG Terminators
-Thunder Harmmer, Storm Shield
-3xWolf Claw, Storm Bolter
( Riding in Drop Pod )
Squad 2
Arjac Rockfist
4xWG Terminators
-3xWolf Claw, Storm Bolter
-Wolf Claw, Storm Bolter
( Riding in Drop Pod )
Squad 3
Rune Priest -Jaws of the World Wolf, and Living Lighting
-Terminator Armor
-Wolftooth Necklace
4xWG Terminators
-3xWolf Claw Storm Bolter
-Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield
( Riding in Drop Pod )
Squad 4
5xWG Terminators
-Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield
-4xWolf Claw, Storm Bolter
( Riding in Pod )
Squad 5
Venerable Dreadnought
-Assault Cannon
( Riding In Drop Pod )
Squad 6
Venerable Dreadnought
-Assault Cannon
( Riding in Drop Pod )
Squad 7
5xWG Terminators
-Thunder Hammer, Storm Sihield
-4xWolf Claw, Storm Bolter
( Riding in Pod )
1999 Points
Hope you like it.
6 months ago
Looking forward to see this army rise... keep it up! Keep on happy painting! Regards Roman
Thanks Roman. I am awaiting for some to arrive in, hopefully this week. I will keep this blog rolling :)